Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My Fave Five Bears QB's

This list is not a who's the best list just a list of Bears QB's I've liked since I started following the NFL

1 Jim McMahon - He stood up to coaches said what he thought, mooned the pess wore shades & wore a Bears jersey to the White House when the Packers won the Super Bowl. Whats not to like???

2 Erik Kramer - The first true legit QB we had since McMahon, set single season records.

3. Mike Tomczak - Yes he was only a servicable back-up but went on to have a lenghty career. He was the Bears 1st starting QB when I started following & he stuck with me.

4 Kyle Orton - The Neckbeard a true gritty leader in the McMahon mould.

5 Rex Grossman - Oh the Sex Cannon how we loved you. Showed so much only to show so little soon after. Such a pretty long ball. I'll always remember that Falcons game

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